Horror! From silver teeth darken!
In the children’s dentistry has been increasingly used as a caries prevention silver teeth. The enamel of children’s teeth is highly susceptible to fracture, so is not particularly strong in comparison with the enamel of permanent teeth, so now silver teeth really widely used to prevent caries process. Using a cotton swab solution dentist does the necessary teeth 30% silver nitrate solution, thereby creating a protective film on the teeth which is a barrier to bacteria and plaque. This is achieved using the antibacterial properties of silver.
How much do bracket system?
Would you like to install a bracket system, but can not even imagine how much it will cost you? We can help you. Bracket systems differ not only in quality, material, and cost. But do not forget that in some dental clinics in the price of braces and treatment, which will be conducted by a doctor, shared. And the cost of the treatment depends on the degree of malocclusion. Metal braces are the most inexpensive, the average price for them is about 10,000 rubles. If you need more modern metal bracket system, for example, self-regulating or gold, respectively, then the price for them will rise somewhat.
Afraid to remove the teeth is no reason
Successful prosthesis depends on many factors. Often it depends on how you removed a bad tooth, it is deformed while the gums, a broken bone, and so on. That is quality work dentist podiatrist depends on the work of the dentist-surgeon. Modern dentistry allows patients to remove their teeth with a minimum of unpleasant sensations, while after surgery gum in a remote area of the tooth heals quickly and painlessly. No injuries – either mental or physical – the bone and gums are not deformed. Now dentists used a specially developed methodology tooth extraction, providing a careful treatment of the surrounding tissues, effective and complete relief of pain.
Ten secrets to a perfect snow-white smile.
The first secret is proper cleaning of teeth. Some dentists say that the teeth should be cleaned horizontally, others that need to be cleaned in the direction of their growth, but not really something wrong assertion is not true. The newest technique is called “progressive cleaning teeth. Whole row of teeth conventionally divided into six sectors, segments, which are cleaned one by one. The first step is vibrating in a circular motion “fluffing” plaque on the teeth of one sector, and then he cleaned his teeth, the same familiar vertical movements.
How to deal with pain during dental treatment
Prevention of pain and emotional stress is one of the most pressing problems in dentistry. The high prevalence and intensity of dental caries and its complications and other dental diseases is forcing almost everyone to go for help to the dentist. Often the medicine was accompanied by the fear of the patient before surgical operations, discomfort and pain. All this can provoke the emergence during the intervention of various complications of a general nature, as well as in further aggravation of chronic and comorbid conditions of patients.
Types of sealants for sealing fissures
The most frequent localization of caries are fissures, pits and deepening the chewing (occlusal) surfaces of teeth that are poorly cleared brush. As a result, they accumulate food debris, and consequently, there is an intensive growth of microorganisms, which ultimately leads to the development of caries. At the same time using different methods of fluoride prevention, dental plaque in these areas prevents the flow of enamel fluoride ions. The above circumstances led many researchers to seek special funds for the prevention of caries on the chewing surfaces of teeth.
What does the remineralization of enamel teeth?
To save resistant to caries tooth enamel requires an effective means of influencing it. In the crystal lattice of biological apatites are vacancies and defects – absence of an atom or columns of atoms, called dislocations. Sometimes in the crystal there is only one column of atoms without any of the crystal lattice, which is the reason for the rapid penetration of acids along the axis of the crystal – a speed of 500 angstroms / sec. For the crystallization processes in enamel is important and its organic matrix, which includes the calcium-binding protein that is necessary for nucleation and crystal growth regulation as well as variations of concentration of fluoride ions in the fluid surrounding enamel.
Special exercises for the prevention of dento-maxillary anomalies and deformities
Restoring normal function of muscles is achieved through special exercises. The principle of prevention ZCHA with mio-exercises involves training the under-developed muscles, which allows you to normalize the function of muscle antagonists and synergist.  Gymnastic exercises for the muscles surrounding the tooth rows, as a method of orthodontic prophylaxis were offered Rogers in 1917 Exercises chosen taking into account the child’s age. They should not be too difficult to understand, it is desirable to convert them into the game.
Principles Of Prevention Tooth-jaw Anomalies And Strain
To implement the main tasks of prevention ZCHA must be able to establish an unambiguous link between the morphological features and functional features of physiological bite, to be able to relate restbite with various stages of its formation. Bite – the ratio of dentition (teeth) when closing with the largest number of contacts. Consequently, the norm – the notion of the correct position of teeth, the form of dentition and jaws, respectively, the ratio of mean bite and the period of its development until the formation of permanent dentition.
Risk factors for Dento-maxillary anomalies and strain
The main problems in the prevention of dento-maxillary anomalies are: imperfect, orthodontic diagnosis, a large number of conflicting classifications, the lack of uniform terminology. Accepted consider endo-and exogenous risk factors for this pathology. ENDOGENOUS RISK FACTORS • genetic conditions (primary edentia, teeth, micro-and makro dentiya, dystopia and transposition, the anomalies attachment bridles the tongue and lips, the depth of vestibule of mouth, micro-and makrognatiya, micro-and makrogeniya);  • Violation of fetal development; • Congenital anomalies; violation of enamel and dentin; • Diseases of young children in violation of mineral metabolism, endocrine disease.
Fluoride-contains paints, solutions and gels
fluoride-contains paints One of the most common means of local prevention of dental caries are the lacquers, which are used to prolong the period of the impact of fluoride on enamel. They form adjacent to the enamel film which remains on the teeth for several hours, and in fissures and cracks micro spaces – a few days or even weeks.  Lac Duraphat contains 2.26% fluoride, Ruor Protector -0,1%, Composeal – sodium fluoride, calcium fluoride. Ftorlak (Kharkiv) containing 5% NaF and produced on the basis of cedar or fir balsam.
Endogenous fluoridation for preventing dental caries
Application of fluorine compounds for the prevention of dental caries can be divided into two main ways – the system (endogenous) – intake of fluoride in the body of water, salt, milk, tablets or drops, and local (exogenous) – the use of solutions, gels, toothpaste, varnishes. The conventionality of this division is that the means used systemically, and has a local impact, and vice versa, the local use of resources contributes to their absorption through the mucous membranes of the circulatory system.
Choose dental elixir - purification and dezodorivanie
Dental elixirs are used to rinse the mouth. They improve the cleaning of surfaces of teeth, prevent the formation of plaque, deodorize the mouth. The structure of elixirs usually add biologically active components. Elixir “Ksident contains sodium fluoride, a drug ksidifon who, as a regulator of calcium levels in the body, prevents the formation of plaque and stone. He has protivokarioznoe, anti-inflammatory and disinfectant effect.  Pronounced anti-inflammatory and deodorizing properties have elixirs “Forest”, “Paradontax”, “Salviathymol”, containing a complex of vegetable supplements – herbal extracts of sage, chamomile, myrrh, echinacea.
Floss - magical thread for healthy teeth
Floss designed to thoroughly remove plaque and food debris from hard to reach for the brush contact surfaces of teeth. Floss can be waxed and no waxed, round and flat, sometimes with a menthol-impregnated.  Method of application threads. Thread a length of 35 – 40 cm is wound around the first phalanx of middle fingers of both hands. Then gently introduce a stretched string (using the index fingers – on the lower jaw and thumbs – on the upper jaw) on the contact surface of the tooth, trying not to injure extragingival papilla.
Fluoridated water helps keep your teeth healthy
For the artificial fluoridation of water soluble salts are added, creating an optimal concentration of fluoride, equal to 1 ppm (1 mg / l). This process is carried out on the waterworks. In localities where they drink lots of water (eg, the tropics), the concentration of fluoride in water should be about 0.7 ppm, and in countries with cold climate – up to 1.2 ppm, while the risk of dental fluorosis is minimal. Fluoride exerts its effects on tooth enamel throughout the life of man. It is shown that to maximize the effectiveness of fluoridated water should be consumed from birth, but some studies have shown the effectiveness of this method of prevention and for patients treated with optimal concentrations of fluoride after tooth formation.
Chewing Gum - 20 minutes after eating for healthy teeth
Chewing gum – a means of improving oral hygiene at the expense of increasing the amount of saliva and rate of salivation, which helps clean surface of the tooth and the neutralization of organic acids produced by bacteria of plaque. Chewing gum manifests its effects on oral tissues in the following ways: • increases the rate of salivary secretion; • stimulates secretion of saliva with a higher buffer capacity; • helps neutralize plaque acids; • favors rinsing saliva remote areas of oral cavity; • Improves the clearance of sucrose from the saliva; • helps to remove food debris.
What is contained in toothpastes?
Toothpastes need to remove the soft plaque, food debris, be pleasant to taste, have a good deodorizing and refreshing effect and have no side effects: mestnorazdrazhayuschego and allergenic. The main components of toothpastes are abrasive, gelling and blowing agents, as well as perfumes, dyes and substances that improve the taste of toothpaste. The effectiveness of brushing your teeth depends on the abrasive component pastes, which provide cleaning and polishing action. Abrasive substances react with inorganic tooth enamel.
Choose your method of cleaning teeth
Leading component of the prevention of dental diseases is oral hygiene. Systematic cleaning of teeth, removal of soft dental deposits contribute to the physiological process of maturation of tooth enamel. Biologically active components of hygiene (tooth pastes and elixirs) enrich the tooth and periodontal tissue salts, phosphates, calcium, trace elements, vitamins, increasing their resistance to harmful influences. Regular massage gums during brushing contributes to the activation of metabolic processes, improve blood circulation in the periodontal tissues.
The primary prevention of dental caries is the proper nutrition
In the prevention of dental caries and inflammatory periodontal diseases play a big role nutrition as part of a healthy lifestyle. Nutrition can affect the tooth tissue in two ways: • during the formation of the tooth before eruption; • after the eruption. For the development of resistance to dental caries one of the main conditions is full of quality and quantity of food a pregnant woman, including dairy products, minerals, vitamins, vegetables, fruit. Of no less importance in the development of resistance of dental tissues has food in the first year of life when there is a tab and the development of permanent teeth.
Types of toothbrushes
he toothbrush is the main tool for removing sediment from the surface of the teeth and gums. It is known that the peoples of Asia, Africa and South America have used devices such as a toothbrush, another 300-400 years BC. e. Toothbrushes were used in Russia around the XVIII century. Currently, there are many models of toothbrushes whose mission is to remove plaque from smooth and occlusal surfaces of teeth. The toothbrush consists of a handle and working parts (heads) with located on her beams setae.
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