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�����:What’s necessary is a maissve grassroots eruption that would put the politicians’ feet to the fire and force them to change their ways.I had a similar discussion in the Philippines with the good Fathers of Naga City’s Metropolitan Cathedral. They bemoaned their country’s endemic corruption as incurable.In my best diplomatic manner which, admittedly, could use some remedial instruction I pointed out how the current legal system allows their legislators to pass the laws governing corruption reform and, therefore, not much change could be expected from those who stood to benefit the most from perpetuation of those same criminal practices.I then pointed out how the lack of punishment for such corruption constituted a sort of tacit approval for those practices. After all, we’re talking about a nation that went on to re-elect Imelda “1,000 pairs of shoes” Marcos to congressional office.SIDEBAR: I hope you all realize that Imelda Marcos’ original corruption trial threatened to span some TWO DECADES.Yes, she asked the trial judge to walk a mile in her shoes. [rimshot]I then had the temerity to suggest that, perhaps, their governmental corruption would end only when it became physically painful for Phillipine lawmakers to engage in it.I was even so bold as to suggest that, perhaps, several of these corrupt legislators might have to DIE before others took the cue and reformed themselves.Of course, the kind Fathers of Naga City Cathedral objected to this notion but NOT ONE OF THEM could suggest any alternative, not to mention one that might be anywhere near as productive.Far be it from me to suggest that similar measures might be required in America. Perish the thought that our own corrupt lawmakers might experience a single moment’s discomfort for whoring themselves to foreign interests, pork-barrel projects or simple outright graft.Still, there is an irresistible appeal to attaching physical pain of some sort to those who engage in typical political corruption.I’m confident that all of you recognize how I am limiting such a suggestion to only those Philippine lawmakers and, most certainly, not our own beloved politicians.
�����:You might not think there is a dime’s worth of difference but I retlecny got an email from the local tea party saying they were going to rally outside a town hall meeting of our Congressional Democrat that just happens to take place within walking distance of my home.Not only will I be there to protest, I have offered my home as a rally point.The time is long past for those that want sanity in gov’t to get off their butts and do something about it.Yeah, I get it, you can’t show up for a mid day insanity like the unemployed Dems do but, you can turn off Dancing With the Stars, blast yourself out of your Lazy Boy and turn out for a town hall meeting in the evening.Freedom is not free.I actually think it has now dawned on a major part of the conservative electorate that “someone else” will not solve this… http://cfiqxfpuu.com [url=http://lznrde.com]lznrde[/url] [link=http://kzjxzeqzyl.com]kzjxzeqzyl[/link]