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When food chewing teeth wear out!
Physiological tooth wear – abrasion of dental hard tissues as a result of direct contact surfaces of antagonistic teeth or adjacent teeth.
Contact the opposite surfaces of the teeth occurs when chewing and swallowing food (approximately 1500 times a day). Abrasion of the teeth – is a specific physiological form of abrasion. With this type of abrasion loss of hard tissue of teeth is negligible.
With age, the physiological effects of abrasion become more visible. Because of the physiological mobility of the teeth in the area is aproksimalnoy abrasion surfaces adjacent teeth. In connection with this point aproksimalnye contacts become planar. As a result of simultaneous chewing displacement (8-10 mm in 40 years of life) of teeth is the intensification of contacts teeth aproksimalnyh sites.
The impact of a number of other factors contribute to a more pronounced pathological abrasion of hard tooth tissues. Patients under the influence of psychogenic causes such as stress, the heat of passion arising frequent and longer
contact between the teeth, manifested in the form of grinding and compression (especially during sleep).
Emergence of the pathological processes of abrasion may also contribute to malformed chewing surfaces of restorations (eg, violations of occlusal balance, front contact).
Violations of the neuromuscular functions of the maxillofacial region, as well as anomalies of the teeth are additional causes of pathologic abrasion of the teeth.
Clinically, first in the enamel layer, then in bed naked dentin reveal smooth, flat surface, which partially at an angle of overlap. In the lateral (side) movements of the lower jaw, teeth-antagonists are moving towards each other, touching these surfaces. In the progressive process of attrition, a decrease crowns of teeth.
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�����:if the crown in provided on the nhs the curernt cost is a3194 for one crown or ten.However not many dental practices are taking on patients on the nhs.Also if your are taken on as a nhs patient but the crown is for appearance purposes, they will charge you privately as the nhs wont fund this.The cost of a private crown can vary from a3200 each upto roughly a3800 dependant on what quality crown is used,content of the crown makeup, lab fees and the practice you attend.As for how long the crown will last each one is individual, depends on why the crown is there and the strenght of the tooth substance underneath.They tell you to expect about 7yrs.They say if you get ten years+ then its definately done its job. Ive known some crowns last 1 yr and some last more then 35! �����:Wow, 19. You most likely have gtcneies that cause you to be VERY prone. I’m 32 and have been diagnosed myself. I’m? going to have the cleaning done and will need a couple bone implants to fill the pockets.There really isn’t much you can do but keep clean and visit the dentist every 6 months for a check up. If you stay on top of it, you should be safe for many years. Eat right, stay healthy and take some vitamins to help your body keep fighting infection and bone loss. Good luck to you. �����:If they are well made and well taken care of, they can last the rest of your life. If you brush and floss everyday, it sluohd last you for at least 10 years. I have one that has been in my mouth for 20. All of my other ones are over 5 years old. Insurance companies allow for new ones every five years. So figure at least 5 yrs, but probably more. �����:If you’ve had a root canal procedure done in the past on that tooth, all you will need to do is keep the tooth area clean. If you didn’t have a root canal peorfrmed on that tooth, then your dentist should have had you come in right away to have a temporary crown put on. http://tmhqyr.com [url=http://zwdjjf.com]zwdjjf[/url] [link=http://ysttvwcvh.com]ysttvwcvh[/link]
Articles for theme “articles for dentists”:
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The main ways to use local anesthesia in dentistry – injectable and ointment. Anesthetic agent has an impact on various systems, organs, tissues. After absorption in the tissues of anesthetic is distributed throughout the body.
In dentistry, local anesthetic injected into the tissues of the maxillofacial area and the oral mucosa, in which there are significant vascular formation, located in the soft tissue and the spongy substance of bone. This can lead to high concentrations of anesthetic in the blood.
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The quality of human nutrition, quantity and frequency of meals – a decisive factor in the development of caries. Currently, reduce consumption of natural foods, the emergence of new carriers of energy, improved cooking technology have led to significant changes in the composition of food products and their quality.
While the food and may affect the mineralization and structure of hard dental tissue during development, but, so far ns found the relationship between nutritional deficiencies and affected caries.
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In physical properties of the permanent filling materials can be divided into three groups: cements, materials for metal seals and polymers.
As a material for the permanent seals used silicate cements, silikofosfatnye and ionomer.
Silicate Cements. Domestic industry produced Silitsin, Silitsin-2. Foreign analogues: Silikap, Alyumodent, Friteks. The main ingredient of the powder is silicon dioxide. Liquid silicate cement – an aqueous solution of phosphoric acid solution containing additional zinc, aluminum and magnesium phosphate.
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Hlorofillipta (Chlorophylliptum) contains a mixture of chlorophyll in the leaves of eucalyptus, has antimicrobial activity. Apply in-necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis and stomatitis.
Tincture of calendula (Tinctura Calendulae) is used in periodontal disease and oral mucosa as an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory drugs (1 teaspoon per glass of water for rinsing the mouth).
Salvini (Salvinum) – preparation from the leaves of sage. It has astringent and anti-inflammatory properties, has antimicrobial effect on gram-positive microflora, including those resistant to antibiotics.
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«Periodontal disease» – a collective term that represents a group of different etiology and pathogenesis of periodontal lesions.
At present, our country is following the conventional classification of periodontal diseases:
Gingivitis – inflammation of the gums caused by the impact of local and general factors and without violating the integrity of the tooth-gum attachment.
Periodontitis – inflammation of periodontal tissues, characterized by progressive destruction of periodontal and bone.
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