Teeth whitening at home

Teeth whitening at home
In recent years the most widely spread method of home teeth whitening. Grew up demands by patients to their appearance, and in particular to the aesthetics of their teeth. Home teeth whitening method allows you to easily and quickly achieve a good result. It is only necessary to fulfill all the recommendations of the dentist, and to use its recommended gels. In home method exists and the method used in a dental office. 

Gels Bleaching 
Gels for teeth whitening can be purchased at pharmacies, clinics, as well as from your dentist. The active ingredient, which is contained in the gels for bleaching, and which has been identified as the most effective in the majority of studies, called carbamide peroxide, its concentration does not exceed 10 percent. In most gels, available in pharmacies and shops, instead of carbamide peroxide is used hydrogen peroxide. 

Home teeth whitening 

Simplicity and ease of using a home tooth whitening provided this method is widely popular among dentists. Method of home teeth whitening involves the use of individual plastic tray, made of a plaster model of the dentition of the patient and the whitening gel. Patient in the home fills a special mouthguard bleaching gel and wears it on his teeth. The longer the kappa is on the teeth, the better the effect of bleaching. 

The process of tooth whitening 

Consultation with a dentist. Bleaching at home begins with a dental consultation. During this visit is going to a general medical and dental history, are examined teeth, soft tissues of the oral cavity, estimated to oral hygiene status of the patient. Determine the original color of the teeth of the patient and opens the card, which made data on the current colors of teeth, sometimes made pictures. During this visit, the dentist and patient discuss the reasons that could lead to undesirable color of teeth. Dentist must necessarily explain the patient whitening, to warn about possible problems and complications. He should pay attention to the existing teeth, fillings, crowns or bridges and to explain to the patient that during bleaching, available in your mouth restoration (fillings, crowns, bridges) do not change their color. Consequently, they will look after bleaching darker than the bleached natural teeth. Therefore there is a need to replace them with new ones. After solving all these issues a final decision and, if it is in favor of bleaching, impressions are removed from the jaws. Making individual mouthguards. The main stage home whitening is the individual kappa, to be comfortable and well fixed to the teeth. The first step of manufacturing individual mouthguard is the removal of the imprint of the teeth of the patient. Casts for the removal of plaster cast models of dentition, which is made individually for home bleaching tray made of a transparent, soft, flexible plastic. Typically, the manufacture of individual mouthguard takes several days. 

Fitting individual mouthguards. After making individual mouthguards should be the second visit of the patient, during which the dentist is trying on an individual mouthguard in his mouth. The purpose of fitting – make sure that the individual kappa no pressure on the gums, well located adjacent to the teeth. The patient should be easy to remove and wear a mouthguard, without damaging the gums. Individual kappa is made of soft plastic, the edges of its smooth and do not press on the gums. Dentist must ensure that the individual kappa completely covers each tooth, a little before reaching the gum line. He explained to the patient how to use a mouthguard and how to apply a whitening gel. Whitening gel is applied to the places of individual mouthguards, which are in contact with the right side of our teeth (it is more likely to be the front surface of teeth). When putting on an individual mouthguard to the teeth, from under the tray can be squeezed out the excess bleaching gel. Typically, these surpluses are removed with a napkin, so they do not irritate the gums. Recommendations for wear mouthguards. Further discussed in duration and time of wearing mouthguards. It is generally recommended for patients individually to wear a mouthguard at night, because maximum effect from the majority of bleaching gel comes in 4 or more hours. Night wear mouthguards save costs whitening gel, and cause less discomfort associated with wearing them. Daytime wear mouthguards individual causes some frustration for patients. Individual kappa, despite its transparency still visible on the teeth and interfere with the conversation. At home whitening dentist recommends that patients occasionally come to him for examination to evaluate the intermediate results of home bleaching. Bleaching process ends after reaching the optimal result, when the dentist and the patient is satisfied with bleach. 

Causes of discoloration of teeth 

Human teeth are painted in various shades of white. There is a particular color: some people are bright, others – dark. Change the color of teeth divided into three types: superficial, deep staining, age-related changes. 

Surface discoloration of teeth. The main cause of surface discoloration of teeth is eating foods that have coloring properties. These products are tea, coffee, chocolate, blueberries, etc. These products stain teeth in color from light brown to black. Smoking leads to a yellow-brown or black paint. Typically, in these cases, bleaching is effective. 

Profound change the color of teeth. The cause of profound change in color of teeth may serve as some medicines and chemicals. These processes often occur before teething. A striking example of staining of teeth caused by the medicament is an antibiotic – tetracycline. Teeth are most susceptible to the effects of tetracycline in the period of formation. Tetracycline causes persistent stains, such teeth are called tetracycline. Change the color of teeth can be caused by excess consumption of fluoride in children. To change the color of teeth can cause genetic and systemic diseases of childhood. Deeply stained teeth are difficult to bleach. Brown and dark gray stripes teeth become much lighter, but not enough to describe this result as satisfactory. Age changes in color of teeth. With age, inevitably changing the color of teeth, because coloring effect of food, beverages, tobacco products increases. This is facilitated by rising with the age of microcracks and defects of enamel. Over time, enamel layer becomes thinner, the vestibular surfaces of front teeth are becoming flatter, the color of teeth is changing due to the fact that enamel loses its transparency. However, the generated secondary dentin, which in turn contributes to change the color of teeth. Therefore, a combination of thinned opaque layer of enamel and increased a more dark and dull color of dentin creates a "senile teeth." Except in cases where the tooth enamel is much worn and is virtually absent, teeth whitening is an effective method to significantly improve the color of "senile teeth." 

Quality and longevity of home bleaching 

Quality of bleaching depends on many factors, such as professional quality of the dentist and dental patient's individual characteristics, especially health and nutrition of the patient. Patients are always striving to improve the aesthetics of their teeth as soon as possible and sometimes make unrealistic demands, which complicates treatment planning and predicting its outcome. It is therefore very important point during home whitening is the establishment of full mutual understanding between doctor and patient. Dentist, based on the experience and knowledge, trying to explain to patients what to expect as a result of bleaching. In this regard, the invaluable assistance provided modern computer program, through which the dentist can demonstrate to the patient the expected result bleaching. 

If you change the color of the surface, ie caused by the consumption of such products that have coloring properties (coffee, tea, etc.), then the whitening of teeth usually lasts 6 weeks. Tooth whitening smoker can take up to three months. If you change the color of teeth deep, ie are tetracycline teeth, fluorosis, changes under the influence of certain systemic diseases, in such cases it is difficult to achieve a good result. Although, after home whitening, such teeth look much brighter than they were. When darken single teeth (a consequence of traumatic injury and complication of root canal treatment the tooth), it is better to use the method of internal bleaching. 

In most cases, bleached teeth after 1-3 years are beginning to change color. Therefore, after the first bleaching, it is recommended as necessary to conduct and repeated courses. Course re-whitening lasts less than the first. 

Safety home whitening 

Bleach is a gel that contains carbamide peroxide, food additives, water, glycerin. Contents of carbamide peroxide in the gel is 10%. It is believed that the gel containing carbamide peroxide over 10% are dangerous. Therefore, if patients would use the whitening gel, which appointed a dentist, strictly according to instructions – household bleach is safe. Adverse results of home bleaching occurs if the technology breaks application. Frequent errors are the use of excessive amounts of bleaching gel and extremely long wearing individual mouthguards. Strictly abiding by the rules whitening technology, you can avoid these undesirable effects. 

Effect of whitening gel on the teeth 

There is a suggestion that the bleaching gel – it is an acid, which is bad for the tooth enamel. Studies enamel bleached teeth showed that 10% carbamide peroxide does not affect the strength and the mineral structure of tooth enamel. Effect of bleaching gels on dental restoration in connection with the fact that bleaching gels are not whiten dental restoration (fillings, crowns, bridges), there is a general logical and clinically justified by the trend – to whiten teeth prosthesis (this applies particularly to the front teeth), then wait 1 -2 weeks to stabilize the color of natural teeth, and only then determine the color of the prosthesis. Do not change color when exposed root of tooth whitening gum with retsensii. The root of the tooth is not covered with enamel, but consist of cement, the darker the color of the material. 

Exception, perhaps, are veneers. Veneers – are thin, transparent coating of porcelain that are attached to the front surface of teeth. Whitening Gel does not change the color of the veneer, it whitens teeth by veneers. Because veneers are translucent and subtle, that through them you can see the results of whitening and teeth will look whiter. Side effects occurring during home bleaching 

At home whitening should pay attention to side effects. The most common of these are: irritation of soft tissues (especially in the cervical part of the gum and interdental papillae) and increased tooth sensitivity to temperature stimuli. In some cases, side effects of home bleaching are so severe that he had to stop treatment, but this happens very rarely. In the case of such situations, patients have to contact your dentist. In the course of home whitening teeth may become more sensitive than usual to heat and cold. Most often associated with unpleasant sensations that continue from one to four days and pass with the end of bleaching. During the second home whitening common side effect is irritation of the gums. Gum irritation usually associated with the bleaching gel by contact with the gum, ie a bad adaptation of individual mouthguards. In this case, individual mouthguard dentist reworks. 

Is it safe to bleach teeth 

Method of home whitening, using a mouthguard, conducted under the supervision of a physician, is as safe as other standard dental procedures. The main conditions for this are: 

the use of gels purchased in pharmacies, clinics or in doctor-dentist, the use of gels containing not more than 10% carbamide peroxide, the use of gels strictly according to the instructions and recommendations of a dentist.

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