Secure Prosthesis micro locks

Secure Prosthesis micro locks

Dentistry is based on two types of prosthetics – the traditional bridge and adhesive systems.

The first method is that it is necessary to put the bridge, requiring pre-turning two healthy teeth, which should serve as support for the artificial. The second method – modeling of the tooth is directly in the mouth of the light-cured composite materials and podkleivanie it to standing next to the teeth with fiberglass beams.

Above all, there is a method – implantation. Instead of a missing tooth implanting an implant and a crown put on him. This method is quite expensive and, besides, quite a long time.

Recently, there is also another new method – the use of special mikrozamkov that locate in neighboring restorable teeth.

When installing mikrozamkov best preserved healthy tissue, the structure is strong. Unfortunately, not all dental clinics have special equipment for precise positioning of the lock, making the special bits of key-bindings. This requires special sanforized casting installation and high-quality lasers for spot welding process.

Prosthetic tooth with mikrozamkov significantly reduces the trauma of healthy teeth and provide better prosthetics, requires less material and time costs (no need to prepare and cover the crowns of neighboring teeth). Due to the absence of pressure from the edge of a crown on the tissue around the teeth, these constructions are acceptable even for patients with periodontitis.

Prosthetic appliance using mikrozamkov possible only in cases where the tooth is missing between the two healthy.

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My dentist is icbnedirly flexible i’ve never had a problem getting an appointment on relatively short notice. I think he holds some appointments back for filling teeth on shorter notice. As for the riddle Koko got it right, my eyes were dilated and I am slightly light sensitive this afternoon. Fortunately the cloudy weather helps.@koko: I survived! woot!

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old0Ca , [url=]jqymxfskdbmm[/url], [link=]qkysjcbmabbo[/link],

I still have not finished Sex and the City. Though I like it very much, I don’t think it’s a good ciohce to learn everyday English from. You know the reason, hehe. Americans are more conserved than I had thought. I am eager to watch Friends or Desporate Housewivies these days, but I don’t get a computer yet.

So sorry. {{hugs}} as hard as it is to sit on the sidelines, I think you are doing the right thing. Even if it isn’t (I hope) a frctaure, the rest will be good for whatever ails you. If this was one of those A races, then maybe you should do it. But it’s not and there are other races on the horizon. Good luck healing, keep us posted on Monday’s appointment and don’t beat yourself up about the food either. I think recognizing our food crutch/triggers is 80% of being successful. The other 20% just proves we’re human and not perfect. {{{{{hugs}}}}}carrie recently posted..

Although I’m not a runner, I’ve been known to push mylesf a little too far in other forms of exercise, just to keep going to finish the end of my workout. that often does lead to something worse, and then i’m completely out for the next day or two. too many ifs lined up (if you did run, if it is a stress fracture, etc.) it could have been way worse.(and I think the doctor really didn’t want you to run, but he knows committed athletes sometimes don’t listen anyway ) feel better!Heather recently posted..

Injuries are soo frustrating! I was also pnlnaing on running the Mini Heart half, but I’ve been dealing with back and piriformis pain. I am better now, but wasn’t able to train in time for the race. I think you made the right decision. One race is not worth the risk of making things worse. Hope you feel better soon! [url=]jbxcztomsc[/url] [link=]vecjzm[/link]

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