Calculus: treatment and prevention

Calculus: treatment and prevention
Lime deposits on the teeth called tartar. Plaque is the deposits in the neck of teeth located near the excretory ducts of salivary glands. If at first the formation of tartar loose and weakly expressed in color, then eventually becomes sufficiently dense and pigmented. Any inflammation of the gums can trigger the appearance of tartar.

The danger of tartar is that, in fixing on a neck mukopolisaharidnyh dental plaque and saliva soaking in mineral salts and microorganisms, causes an increase in viscosity of saliva and there is a weakening of the self-cleaning of the teeth during chewing.

Remove tartar special tools or with the help of ultrasound. When re-emergence of dental stones need to be removed again. When removal of tartar is used anesthesia.

Prevention of tartar is the use of rigid food, medical treatment of patients teeth, the fight against violations of the exchange.
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Ironically I just searched for the Key Lime Pie reicpe my mom used to make. Low and behold I have a postcard version from 1963 that’s Gran’ma Gold’s Original Key Lime Pie Recipe. Maybe it’s nostalgic, but it’s my favorite version of key lime pie. Not many places in Key West even make it this way- with the exception of Blue Heaven who makes a mile high meringue in top of theirs. Hope you enjoy it as much as I do!

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