In the prevention of dental caries and inflammatory periodontal diseases play a big role nutrition as part of a healthy lifestyle.
Nutrition can affect the tooth tissue in two ways:
• during the formation of the tooth before eruption;
• after the eruption.
For the development of resistance to dental caries one of the main conditions is full of quality and quantity of food a pregnant woman, including dairy products, minerals, vitamins, vegetables, fruit. Of no less importance in the development of resistance of dental tissues has food in the first year of life when there is a tab and the development of permanent teeth. The ideal nutritional product for newborn is mother's milk. Disadvantages of artificial feeding should be possible to remove by additional injection into a baby fruit juices, vegetable purees and other products.
Based on current knowledge it can be argued that very important local effect provided by the nature of power after teething.
Modern man in your diet includes a lot of carbohydrates, which can be divided into two large groups. The first of them are easy fermentic carbohydrates – sugar and starch, past the cooking, resulting in them can acquire oral bacteria, the second – Sweetener.
Sugars are sucrose, fructose, glucose, lactose. Starches are contained in the products prepared from grain, potatoes and rice. In oral enzyme amylase breaks down starch molecule, resulting in a released glucose.
The most pronounced cariogenic the properties of the sucrose, almost the same – a combination of glucose and fructose, while the use of only fructose or lactose less cariogenic. With increasing frequency reception easily fermentiruemyh carbohydrate balance between de-and remineralization is shifted in an unfavorable direction, and observed the progression of caries process.
The bacteria use the type of carbohydrates for food and build a matrix of plaque, and the final product of this process are organic acids that cause demineralization of enamel.
Emergence and progression of dental caries in the population contribute to the following features nutrition specific to modern conditions:
• high content of food is easily fermentic carbohydrates, especially sugar;
• increasing the frequency of meals;
• increasing the frequency of meals;
• Reducing consumption of foods that require intense chewing, which leads to an increase in current saliva and the natural purification of the oral cavity;
• reduction of food consumption, contributing to inhibition of dental caries.
More important frequency of reception of sugar than the total number, but at the same time, these indicators are closely correlated with each other. If the intake of sugars takes place simultaneously with other food, they cariogenic relatively reduced, and they have much less negative effect on teeth than sugars that are used between meals.
Studies have shown that after taking his increased concentration of sugar in the mouth persists for 20-40 minutes, and it is being used by the microflora of plaque for the utilization of carbohydrate residues with cariogenic action.
Naturally, it is impossible to completely eliminate sugar from the diet, without offering any alternatives. Therefore, the goal of researchers was to find substitutes for sucrose, especially for those products and beverages, which are used in between meals. Studies conducted in Finland, Sweden, England, revealed that derivatives of sugars (sorbitol, mannitol, maltitol, xylitol, etc.) do not have cariogenic properties.
The best results were obtained with the use of xylitol, a natural sweetener contained in plants, fruits (strawberries), vegetables (onions and carrots). He is as sweet as natural sugar, but can not be used by bacteria buildup.
Given these data, the recommendations to reduce cariogenic building supplies must be emphasized:
• the need to reduce overall consumption of sugars;
• the benefits of reducing the frequency of consumption of sugars;
• the importance of reducing the residence time of sugars in the mouth;
• the importance of the replacement of easily metabolized sugars in sweeteners.
The recommendations on rational nutrition should not forget the role of food as a factor in self-purification of the mouth, the natural process of liberation from the remnants of food and soft plaque.
One of the ways to enhance the self-cleaning the oral cavity is receiving solid foods (raw vegetables, hard fruits). Good training tooth-jaw system is in the use of hard, dry food, which requires copious salivation and prolonged chewing.
Her method can be recommended for the education of children they have the habit of chewing, to intensify the growth and development of tooth-jaw system.
It is desirable to use fruits and vegetables after receiving a sweet, sticky, soft food, as well as in between meals.
Thus, reducing the adverse effects of nutrition on oral tissues is essential for the prevention of dental caries and periodontal diseases.